Questa deliziosa sangria CERRO DE LA CRUZ è confezionata in un pratico brik da un litro, perfetto per condividere con gli amici. Preparata con il meglio dei frutti di stagione, offre una fresca e fruttata esperienza di bevuta con ogni sorso. Goditi la vita con un bicchiere di CERRO DE LA CRUZ Sangria.
Spirulina is a type of cyanobacteria, or blue-green algae, that grows in alkaline water bodies such as lakes, ponds, and rivers. It is renowned for its rich nutritional profile. Spirulina is particularly notable for its high protein content, making it a popular dietary supplement for vegetarians and vegans. Additionally, it is rich in essential nutrients such as iron, calcium, and B vitamins, making it a valuable addition to a balanced diet. Spirulina is commonly consumed in powdered or tablet form and is often added to smoothies, juices, or taken as a supplement to support overall health and well-being.
EC number:921-131-8
CAS No:724424-92-4
"Flower named after the sun
The sunflower is native to North Central America. The sunflower blooms from July to October. On sunny days the flower head turns with the sun.
Nutrients in Sunflower Seeds
The sunflower seed is the fruit of a sunflower. They are edible when removed from the shell. Sunflower seeds contain mainly vitamins B and E, phosphorus, copper, magnesium and the powerful antioxidant selenium.
Consumption of sunflower seeds
Eat these healthy seeds out of hand or mix them with other seeds and kernels into a superfood mix, which you in the yogurt or sprinkle on your salad."
Crafted for versatility! Our Olive Pomace Oil, cherished by soap artisans and candle makers, isn't just for industries. With a touch of special treatment, it transforms into a culinary masterpiece. From the workshop to the kitchen, embrace the multi-faceted magic of Olive Pomace Oil.
Quality: for foodstuffs
Processed plant part: seeds
Scientific name: Griffonia simplicifolia
African black beans, also known as cowpeas or Vigna unguiculata, are a type of legume widely used in African cuisine and valued for their high nutrient content, especially protein and fiber.
Our products are sold in bulk. There is a minimum order quantity of 25kg for most of our products. Samples can be provided.
Plants2Market is also BIO, HACCP and DIN EN ISO 9001 certified.
We also offer the following products:
Field bean
Field horsetail
African black bean
Alpha lipoic acid
Beta Glucan
ORGANIC Birch leaf
ORGANIC Brazilian almond
ORGANIC Broccoli
ORGANIC Chlorella
ORGANIC Cranberry
ORGANIC Barley grass
ORGANIC Grapefruit
Gelatin is a type of natural protein that is soluble in water and is obtained by partial hydrolysis of collagen from animal or fish bones, skin, and tendons. Gelatin is composed of glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline and is available in two basic types: food-grade gelatin and hydrolyzed collagen. The shelf life of Gelatin is 12 months, and it is available in 25 kg bags.
Gelatin is a transparent and odorless substance. It is a popular food ingredient that acts as a stabilizer, thickener and emulsifier. Gelatin is a versatile substance used in food, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. It can thicken and stabilize foods, form a protective film on the skin, and be used in the manufacture of capsules. It also has a positive effect on the health of bones and joints.
The Buldak Original Hot Chicken Ramen is made with only the finest ingredients for a distinct flavor that will have you craving more. The perfect balance of savory and spicy, this ramen has a spiciness level of 5 so it's just right for those looking for a bit of heat with their meal.
La boite traiteur cristal est utilisée principalement par les traiteurs, restauration rapide de vente à emporter mais aussi les particuliers
La boite avec son couvercle rattaché vous permet de mettre vos salades, paella, couscous ou autres petits plats cuisinés.
La boite permet un transport en toute sécurité grâce à étanchéité parfaite par sa fermeture par jonc,
La boite traiteur ergonomique fraîcheur est appréciée pour ses propriétés qui sont la résistance, la qualité, la sécurité des produits dedans mais aussi son prix très attractif.
Volume:750 ml
Dimension:174 x 146 x 69 (L x l x H en mm)
Autres conditionnements VRAC et SACHETS : 125g, 250g, 500g, 1 kg, 5 kg - La Figue Baglama VIJAYA est originaire de la Turquie et issue du projet bio Good Food Foundation, certifié équitable par FairTSA. Les différentes figues de Turquie se différencient par leur mode de préparation. Chaque appellation (Baglama, Lérida et Protoben) se réfère non pas à une variété de figue, mais à son mode de préparation. Figue de luxe, la Figue Baglama, après avoir été séchée, est présentée en chapelet avec chaque queue. Après leur séchage au soleil, les figues sont enfilées comme des perles sur un raphia.
Son calibre généreux lui confère un moelleux unique.
Mezcla de especias y condimentos, de uso culinario y/o charcutero, para elaboración del PREPARADO DE CARNE denominado “PINCHO MORUNO”.
Formato: Estuche 62g, bolsas de 4kg
Meyva fruits secs de qualité - Sélection des plus beaux fruits, grades et des pl - L'amande la REINE des fruits secs. Qu'elle soit blanchie, effilée, crue, hâchée... sous toutes ses formes l'amande est l'experte minceur santé !
Votre expert minceur et santé.
Maintient les neurones au top
excellent Antistress
Bonne pour la ligne
Protège le coeur
Fournisseur direct en produits de grandes marques pour la grande distribution Chutyptm vous propose Snickers au meilleur prix du marché. Découvrez l’ensemble de nos réfs sur ! Achat en gros de Snickers et import PGC.
Detto anche grano nero il grano saraceno crudo è una pianta erbacea appartenente alla famiglia delle Poligonacee. È spesso classificato come cereale sebbene non appartenga alla famiglia delle Graminacee. Il grano saraceno crudo decorticato è naturalmente privo di glutine. I semi del grano saraceno bio sono altamente proteici e contengono vitamine e sali minerali specialmente vitamine del gruppo B ferro selenio potassio fosforo, rame e zinco. Il grano saraceno crudo bio è ideale per cucinare minestre e zuppe con verdure ma può essere utilizzato anche nella preparazione di paste particolari come i pizzoccheri o la polenta taragna. Con il grano saraceno crudo è anche possibile preparare dell’ottimo pane perfetto. I semi di grano saraceno decorticato non hanno bisogno di ammollo basterà sciacquarli sotto l’acqua corrente e cuocerli in una pentola con acqua salata (proporzione: 1 parte di grano e 2 di acqua) per 20-30 minuti fino a che l’acqua non si sarà assorbita completamente.
YOOKA Shilajit Resin is a 100% vegan, artisanal and premium quality food supplement. Harvested in the Pakistani Himalayan mountains, between 5100 and 5500 meters above sea level, our Shilajit is naturally sun-dried for 60 to 80 days to preserve all its minerals and benefits.
Unlike industrial methods, our Shilajit is purified 60 times with nano filters, guaranteeing maximum purity.
Our food grade glass packaging ensures the preservation of the resin, even in hot conditions. YOOKA Shilajit restores energy balance, prevents chronic fatigue, anemia, chronic pain, digestive disorders and osteoarthritis. The natural ingredients of Shilajit act directly on the organs and at the muscular level, ensuring optimal absorption.
We constantly monitor the quality and safety of our products, registered with the DGCCRF and the DGAl. Our laboratory reports, available on our site, attest to the absence of heavy metals in our Shilajit .
Maison Beldi est une maison de renom dédiée à l'art de sublimer les plats grâce à des épices haut de gamme soigneusement sélectionnées et d'une qualité inégalée. Notre mission est de fournir aux professionnels de la restauration, des épiceries fines et des services traiteur des produits d'exception qui rehaussent les saveurs et apportent une touche de sophistication à chaque création culinaire.
Automatic rinsers respectively with 4 and 6 positions operate using a water injection system with continuous flow. An optional recirculation kit with an integrated filtration system allows the use of a sterilizing or rinsing solution. An 'air blowing' version is also available. These machines allow the internal rinsing of new containers before filling, without wetting the exterior, using water previously filtered through a 0.35µm filtration cartridge. They do not require equipment for additional formats: format change is achieved through a few simple adjustments. The machines are entirely constructed in AISI 304 Stainless Steel and with plastic materials compliant with relevant directives. Machines provided in this manner are ready for integration into bottling or food packaging lines. Production: 800 bottles/hour for 4 positions - 1500 bottles/hour for 6 positions.
Die hygienische Gummimatte / Hygienematte ist mit antimikrobiellem Additiv hergestellt und beugt somit der Bakterien- und Pilzbildung vor. Die Einsatzbereiche umfassen die Lebensmittelindustrie, Großküchen, Kantinen, Gastronomie und Bars. Die moderne Arbeitsplatzmatte, wenn Hygiene absolut kritisch ist!
This high food grade silicone pacifier free from BPA, PVC, Latex, Phthalate and Nitrosamin for babies allows your little ones to calm down and stay comfortable.
It has three holes that allow adequate ventilation.
It is soft and easy to clean.
Size : from 6 months.
Washing Instructions: Wash with warm water and mild soap.
Before first use, place the pacifier in boiling water for 3 minutes. Let it air dry.
Do not sterilize in a microwave sterilizer.
Check carefully before each use
Discard at the first sign of damage
Alex installa banchi e celle frigorifere e abbattitori di temperatura. Progetta e realizza impianti per grandi cucine, mense scolastiche e aziendali, arredamenti completi con servizio "chiavi in mano". Arredamenti su misura in acciaio inox e non. Vende e ripara affettatrici, registratori di cassa telematici e bilance.